
Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Salary Negotiation



A salary is a form of periodic payment from an employer to an employee. It is an expense of an employer for acquiring the human resources. Salary acts as a motivation factor for an employee to work for the employer. It helps the employee to fulfill his basic needs.  The salary given should be according to the talent of the employee, if the salary is low, the employee will be demotivated and if the salary paid is high, then the resources of the employer will be wasted.

 In India most of the employees are underpaid in comparison to the employees in America and Europe. What is the reason behind this discrimination?

 I think in our country people are fearful to negotiate salary with the prospective employer, they think that if they ask for more salary they may get rejected. This view is totally incorrect.

Salary negotiation is more of an art than a science. It usually is one of the most neglected and under-rated aspects of a Job search. The employee has all the right to negotiate his/her salary with the employer. As long as you are informed about the position you are offered and make reasonable requests, attempting to negotiate for more money is acceptable and often successful. 





(1) Be Prepared :-  Preparation is critical when negotiating the terms of your employment. The more information you have, the more successful you will be. You should know the background of the company, salary paid to other employees in the same position.(To get more information about the average salary please visit

(2) Don’t tell your salary expectation :-  Leave the salary expectation question blank on application forms, and don't mention a specific salary level in your cover letters. By specifying a salary expectation you are restricting yourself.

(3) Understand your worth :-  You should be able to know your positive points and put them in front of the employer. The employee should understand what is his/her worth in the company. Emphasize the benefits of your skills.

(4) Take the risk :-  From your research, you know the offer is low. You can either accept the offer or leave it. It's a calculated risk to walk away from a job offer. They might call you back with a revised starting salary or they might just close your file and hire someone else if they feel you've been greedy, arrogant or overly demanding. 

(5) Focus on Your Goals :-   Too often in negotiations winning becomes more important than the actual goals that are achieved. Not only is it important to focus on achieving your goals; it is also important not to make your future boss feel like a loser in the negotiations. Remember, that this person will control you future career.

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